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English Hubs

We work with English Hubs to deliver half day or full day conferences which include:

  • Transition from phonics into whole class teaching of reading

  • Decoding to fluency

  • A mastery approach to the teaching of reading

  • Effective whole class teaching of reading

  • How to effectively support struggling readers

  • Assessment

  • Oracy and the power of vocabulary

We also continue to support graduated partner schools as they continue to develop their reading curriculum.


We work to ensure schools use the Master Readers curriculum design and approach to meet shared goals:


  • 90%+ Year 6 pupils reach the expected standard in the Year 6 SATs

  • Growing numbers of pupils achieve Greater Depth over time

  • Transition from phonics is successful and leads to improving fluency

  • Teaching of reading after phonics is rigorous, consistent and of the highest quality

  • Struggling readers make strong progress towards Age Related Expectations

  • Leaders use assessment information effectively to respond to the needs of pupils to ensure long-term success.

Master Readers specialists analyse reading data every term to provide trust leaders with
actions that will have the most impact on pupils’ progress. They then propose a practice and
coaching plan for each school, and discuss implementation at a training with reading
leaders. Termly Reading Leader training is provided.

International Schools

Mastery Education provides training on Master Readers for international schools. Contact us
through the ‘Contact Us’ and tell us about your school and the training requirements. Use this
as an opportunity to find out about Master Readers resources and help to place an order.

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