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About Us

Master Readers About Us

Get To Know Master Readers

Our Mission: Help pupils successfully transition out of a phonics programme.

We do this by inspiring headteachers and teachers to:


  • Become experts in the use of a mastery approach to the teaching of reading, embracing the belief that every pupil can meet National Curriculum expectations.

  • Help pupils successfully transition out of a phonics programme into the world of books.

  • Plan a whole book approach when teaching reading so that pupils learn to enjoy reading a wide variety of genres written by a variety of authors.

  • Ensure regular opportunities for pupils to be read to and with.

  • Providing pupils with opportunity to discuss and share ideas so that they  speak themselves into understanding. 

  • Develop pupils' vocabulary so that they become masters at selecting words for impact.

  • Help pupils acquire the skills needed to show their understanding when answering questions in discussion and when writing answers.

Vision & Values

We are Experts

We are Inclusive

We are Responsible

We Work Hard

We Have Fun

Master Readers About Us
Master Readers, About us
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